понедельник, 20 апреля 2015 г.

Students Healthy Lifestyle Guide 

Hello dear friends,
Today I will present you my  green  city in the next 15 years.  Our generation  are concerned  with the environment  in its  relation  to human society. First of all, I want to start with one historical event  which changed our lifestyle and wildlife.
All environmental problems started 30 years ago. The nuclear reactor number 4 exploded and nuclear waste changed our climate, an ozone layer. Many animals lost their habitat. All were in a catastrophic situation.
I started with this event because every action has  a reason.
In the future my town will be a perfect place  for living.
  •         People will learn to use natural resources .  For example: the solar batteries will be the best way to economize budget .  Agriculture will help to be healthy ( vegetables and fruits without pesticides).
  •         Small houses in a remote area or in forest. No, people will not forget about IT technologies and media. They will use more bicycles than cars because the exhaust fumes are very dangerous for health.
  •          '' The Green days ''  will be every 3 months. It means that people  for conservation nature will plant trees and flowers ( not winter  of course). They will guard forests  from fires.
  •          Our politics will not be afraid of introducing green taxes. They will introduce the energy saving programs. It will be the  groundbreaking way.

Our future depends on us.

суббота, 14 марта 2015 г.

вторник, 10 марта 2015 г.

’’Education is the most powerful  weapon which
you can use  to change  the word’’
Nelson  Mandela

      I want to start with wise words by Nelson Mandela. You know that education is a very  important aspect of our life. It`s not easy as ABC, it means work every day. Study  for me begin with birth, when  you learn things by heart. You don`t  need to meet deadlines,  you  only try  to explore  the world .

     Our  modern   education system is different . There are  distance  learning  courses, face to face  classes, study in public  or boarding schools. If you work like an eager-beaver without playing hooky    you will have  a great result . The whole point of education is to get people to learn . Education means learning. I have watched  a lot different  videos and films about education  in the world. I can conclude that education in Ukraine is really  good. Our government gives a chance  for all people  to  get education . I tried  to determine some pros and cons  of education system  in different countries:

  • ü people want to learn or they don’t want to learn;
  • ü most  universities and colleges  give chance  for  everyone to get  qualifications;
  • ü investing  in education  from abroad ;
  • ü new technologies ( offer you to get  higher , private and religious education );
  • o   pressure on professional skills (there are introduction of new teaching methods, changes in curriculum and courses);
  • o   students (there are increased class size per teacher, lack of pupil motivation, attention and interest, having to meet new teaching targets for student attainment levels);
  • o   schools and universities  as a stressful workplace (from excessive workload and hours of work, lack of time, lack of control and autonomy, environmental noise, poor ventilation, lack of solidarity and morale, excessive paperwork and administrative duties);
  • o   of course an economic pressures (inadequate salary, job insecurity).

All in all education plays a major part in life of all individuals today.

понедельник, 24 ноября 2014 г.

My comments)

понедельник, 10 ноября 2014 г.

The company of Geniuses
       Hello. My name is Alina Omelyashko and  I am  owner  the company of  Geniuses. We are working with clever and wise  people.  And with everyone who has the initiative. They are  using different resources , methods for improve our life.  My employees  are very decisive , persuasive  and calm.   Our aim is  to find new ways to increase the level of   humanity education in world. “Practice makes perfect”
We help  to create new insight into ordinary things, and will not stifle their creativity.  We also argue  that the shortage of experience is not a reason to bury your head in the sand and forget about long-term career prospects.
      We know that  every company has many rules.  My first rule is dependable worker. It means that employees can follow their dreams and be creative. And of course  they should accomplish their work on time. They can not  to be  absent because more worker live here. No-no, they don’t work all the time. We have an isolated cottages  in the countryside. Yes, there are  comfortable , airy and impersonal rooms.” A house is made of walls and beams. A home is built with love and dreams.” I am based on the last two sentences. Next, don’t forget about  team spirit and respect everyone.
     My company offers perfect conditions to employees. There are:
-         try to manage and balance different jobs( juggle sth);
-         find the best way to  consensus( the pros and cons);
-         different kinds of benefits and perks;
-         bonus  scheme ;
-         maternity and paternity leaves;
-         private pensions.
I can guarantee that our team have got 30 days holiday entitlement and go to subsidized canteen. We work according to the schedule.
     There is no limit.  Anyone can work with us and not feels isolated. If you are creative, expressive, quick thinking, smart. Our doors are open for you!